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This includes legends such as James Brown, Isaac Hayes, The Beetles, Nina Simone, Eric Clapton, Aretha Franklin and many more. Having being exposed to so many genres of music, she would often take her father’s tapes to record her personal music favourites over the existing songs and this often got her into trouble. Nonetheless those moments were only the beginning of her love for music and radio.

Ok, while websites like 1xBet have thousands of games in their online casinos, here we see only 4 offers, it is not right not to appreciate betPawa’s good will to have some at least. The online casino room, after all, is always an amazing alternative to spend some time on the platform while waiting for a cool event to appear on the sport program. Most of the markets where the company has a solid presence are full of mobile bets and because of this reason betPawa has advanced as a real mobile bookie. All of the games and services are not just finely adapted to mobile devices, but they are even specially made for being used in a mobile mode, so there’s definitely no compromise when it comes to gambling via a smartphone or a tablet. If you might meet some problems, basically they could appear in case you browse the platform via a computer, but not via a mobile device. Currently at this stage betPawa can be used only via a web application.

Because the existing laws don’t cover all relevant topics yet, changes are necessary. Also, the country wishes to have one regulator and make the Zambian betting and gambling industry less fragmented. If the platform has multiple bonuses for existing players too, then you can benefit from them even when you’re an experienced player on the betting site. An excellent way to compare the best betting sites Zambia offers is to look at the bonuses they offer. Your welcome bonus from the bookmaker can increase your chances and your winnings.

He also became one of the hosts of the station’s flagship show, ‘Let The People Talk’, making him the youngest to ever host it. Chimweka Chileshe, also known as MANIC (My Actual Name Is Chimweka), is a Media Personality who started out as a Kids Show TV presenter, but professionally resumed his career in media in 2015 at the National Broadcaster. You will be given a list of all the different markets available for that event. Choose the market you want to bet on and enter your stake in the box provided. Your bet will be confirmed and your account https://1x-ar.icu/ balance will be updated accordingly.

For a long time, sport betting used to be available mainly in the physical shops as the % of the internet consumers in our country was quite low. Bettingregister is a website where we are going to present you the best websites in Zambia that offer sport betting and other types of gambling games. The main purpose in all of our articles, where we analyze the different functions in the bookmakers available in our country, is to help you select the top one among those websites regarding your individual needs and preferences. The larger the deposit amount, the greater the bonus payouts. In addition, players receive packages of free spins, tickets to participate in the lottery, etc.

Fondly known to his listeners as Clyde, the radio presenter has more than a decade of experience in broadcasting. Chimweka has also used his brand to influence/market companies such as Itel, Zara, Melbet, 1xBet among other established brands. He is also a Director of Ceremonies for various social and corporate events, with experience in hosting events of high profile nature and for entertainment purposes. He joined Phoenix FM in 2018 where his radio career officially commenced; hosting late night radio shows, evening radio shows and now host of The PhoenixFM breakfast show.

You can keep track of all your bets in the ‘My Bets’ section of your account. However, none of these laws address the online betting that Zambian locals can partake in. This means that betting is technically allowed and operators can function without an official Zambian license. Another interesting bonus is given for every 100 bets placed during the month. Besides informing yourself the small window and the data in it is also important when placing a real bet. When you see the information and you are ok with your bet, there’s one field you should fill in to finish it – Your Stake.

  • What you should know now is that the minimum deposit requirement is K 20.
  • When you see the information and you are ok with your bet, there’s one field you should fill in to finish it – Your Stake.
  • You will receive it as SMS message sent to the phone number you provide.

Refunds on accumulators are open to both new and existing MELbet members. You can bet as much as you want and on as many matches as you prefer. Just select one or more bets and with each next clicking on any of the betting selections you will see a new pop-upped window to open your betslip (it refers to the mobile version only). In this small window you will be shown the current information about your bet – the odd of the betslip and the number of the selections. He is current host of a dance music themed radio show called KNGDM Radio Show on Zambia’s largest radio station, Phoenix FM. Ravish’n has been in the radio and television space since 2005 and 2013 respectively.

Paddy Mukando is a Master of Ceremonies (MC), Radio Presenter and Voice-Over Artist with over twenty years’ experience. His voice can be heard on many adverts and documentaries, some of which have gone on to win prestigious awards over the years. He is also the winner of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) 2017 Best Radio Presenter Award and 2011 Best Radio News Anchor, as well as Zambia Radio Awards 2016 Best Male Voice-Over Artist.


If you’re looking for some live betting tips, bwin Zambia is the perfect place to start. Our team of experts have years of experience in the industry and knows precisely what it takes to make a successful bet. Betting is a popular activity in Zambia but the gambling industry is relatively new and currently evolving.

The evolving regulations create many opportunities for bookmakers and you’ll have many to pick from. It’s important to pick quality vendors though because you need to protect yourself from betting companies who take advantage, don’t give pay-outs, or provide other examples of bad service. Most have Android apps, but bookmakers like Premier Bet don’t have an iPhone app.

In other words, it’s not an alternative where you should download an app, but where you directly visit the page via your internet browser. If you are reading this material through a smartphone or a tablet, you do it through a mobile browser, which is compatible to be used for betting with real money in this betting house. Currently, we have at our disposal more than a whole dozen of online bookies that actively operate in Zambia.

This also involves managing media campaigns and distribution on traditional media. Energetic and engaging radio host with over 15 years of demonstrable experience in hosting and music selection. Over the years I have been able to entertain the public through captivating and positive shows and discussions with a good understanding of the station’s obligation, operations and listener preferences. The company’s bonus program includes several permanent bonuses and even more temporary ones. It is allowed to use it only once; repeated registration is a serious violation of the gaming platform rules. Place a sportsbook accumulator bet with odds of 1.7 or more and get your stake back in full if your bet loses by just one selection.

This page offers all the important information on the MELbet promo code for Zambia. MELbet provides new customers with an attractive welcome bonus when they register for an account today. A list of regular promos is also open to both new and existing players, including free bets, profit boosts, and cashback. However, on the other side, one of the most traditional bonuses the punters relate this betting company with, is available. We are talking about the multi-bet bonus up to 100% which increases with the increase of the number of your matches added to the betslip.

Please familiarise yourself with the rules for better information. To place a bet in Melbet, it is necessary to select the sporting event and the odd, enter the amount to bet on the right side of the screen in the coupon and confirm it. Then, according to the result of the competition, it will become clear whether the bet has been won or whether it is necessary to try luck again. The games are far away from the graphics or the quality we are used to see in the modern studios’ portfolios among Europe, so please don’t raise your expectations too much. This bookie’s sport program still includes a limited number of category – currently, we see football, basketball, tennis, rugby, rugby league, cricket and volleyball. Paddy is presenter for The Gospel Show every Sunday morning, and news caster during the week.

The maximum amount of bonus payments is specified in the promotion rules. The welcome bonus can be used only when making combined bets on sports. If the turnover on the bonus balance exceeds the bonus amount 5 times, the rest will be transferred to the main account and is available for withdrawal. MELbet is known and respected throughout the gambling industry. They attract customers worldwide with bettors using their mobiles and desktop computers to place bets and access promotions. Plus, MELbet is ready to give bettors in Zambia the same service.

We find it in betPawa, too – to be more specific in the section Jackpot. This is a game that offers a big chance for a giant win, but at the expense of a small bet. However, note that you are supposed to correctly predict lots of matches here. He also does media consultancy for a variety of institutions and personal brands; specializing in social media PR, marketing and distribution.

This statement does not refer only to the betting house’s desktop version only, but for both of the mobile platforms, too. Technological advances in the country have also impacted Zambian betting. With the internet giving more Zambian locals access to online resources, offshore bookmakers also engage with Zambian players. So, many new betting sites in Zambia have become operational over the past few years, with locals enjoying football betting sites the most. Betway has been around since 2006 and its experience and professionalism are obvious. You can enjoy a quality, eye-catching website that offers lots of data to make informed decisions on your bets.

Aside being a lover of music, Hope is just as passionate about academia and holds a Diploma in Business Administration and a Diploma in Marketing. Clyde is a larger than life down to earth person with a great ear for good music, a staunch supporter of Arsenal Football Club, a husband and a father. The presenter has been instrumental in promoting Zambian music largely through being co-presenter for Phoenix FM’s flagship chart show known as ‘Local Rhythms Countdown’.

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First of all, type in your mobile phone number and in the second field, select a password to login. Sébastien Dutch was born in Ndola, Zambia with music endeavours began at a young age, out of his pure love for music. To this date, his passion and skills have graced him the opportunity to share the stage with some of Africa’s biggest DJs. Amina holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Media from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, has been shortlisted for the 2022 BBC Komla Dumor Award in the United Kingdom, and is ready to take the local media industry by storm. This you can do either by visiting a bookmaker’s brick-and-mortar outlet or by going online and using the best betting site in Zambia.

Whether I am hosting a show, anchoring the news or scripting advertising content for clients; my aim is to create and deliver a sense of charismatic professionalism. I am a multi-faceted media and communications specialist with a growing presence both television and radio. I proudly made the shortlist for the 2022 BBC Komla Dumor Award. I currently anchor the news on Diamond TV and co-host the proudly Zambian talk show Tuvwange Lifestyle on Zambezi Magic. My previous experience comes from Spring TV, Power FM/TV, Rock FM and Millennium Radio.

Once you’ve made your first bet, your free bet will be available to use. To get the 1,850 ZMW free bet, you should deposit 925 ZMW to your account. It has an international license, has been legally operating in the gambling and betting market for more than ten years, and cares about the safety and comfort of its users. It is constantly improving the functionality and tools of its program so that customers get the best for a pleasant recreation and good earnings on their favorite sports. The local Zambian platforms for betting as a whole offer lower odds than the odds provided in betPawa. We would determine the sport bets in this gambling website as quite profitable and some of the biggest football events even come with the so called pawaBoost option that makes your eventual wins quite great.

It caters to the most popular betting options in Zambia, including soccer, and provides a range of outcomes to bet on. But how do you make sure you keep enjoying sports betting or other betting Zambia offers over the long term Educate yourself with our handy guide and list of betting companies in Zambia. Melbet is a gaming site with a convenient, colorful, and intuitive interface.

A Melbet online sports betting provides an opportunity to get stable winnings. And if the bookmaker offers many bonuses and generous offers to attract new users and retain regular players, it is simply impossible to refuse. Bwin Zambia offers a wide range of live betting options for its customers. There are over 30 sports to bet on, including football, basketball, tennis, cricket, and more. Simply select the ‘Live Betting’ tab at the top of the page, and you will be taken to a list of all the upcoming live events.

It is not clear whether the promotion is temporarily off, or you will never see it again. To correctly predict 17 matches is by all means, a hard task to do and you should not ride your luck for the biggest prize, but considering the fact that the ticket price for participation is only K 1, giving it a try is worth it. Ravish’n with her passion and knowledge in electronic media would like to utilize her platform for mentoring young hopefuls, to sell different brands and products as well as sensitize the public on pertinent societal issues. The name may sound fresh and unfamiliar in the Zambian media landscape, but Amina Kaunda is quickly raising the bar when it comes to local television presenting. She has been quietly working in the background; learning the ins and outs of the industry on the job. To protect the interests of players, the country has three main pieces of legislation in place.

What can I do via Mbet Zambia app – download?

Join the MELbet loyalty program today and receive loyalty points every time you bet on the website or app. The higher your stakes and the more bets you place, the more points you accumulate. The loyalty program covers all singles, multiples and system bets placed on sportsbook markets with a minimum stake of 11 ZMW. Register for a MELbet online betting account today and receive a free bet welcome bonus. The value of your free bet is determined by your first deposit and sports bet.

Thanks to these conditions, international and local betting apps in Zambia take advantage of the situation. Therefore, you’ll find that betting companies such as 22Bet and MELbet have mobile applications their members can use. Similar options are available from 1xBet, Betway and Premier Bet. With over 60% of the Zambian population now using mobile phones, this is a popular method of placing bets. All betting operators accept new customers only after they fill in a registration form. The registration form in betPawa is available via 2-3 buttons – called Join Now and located at different places in the website – is as easy as a childish game.

With vast knowledge in the industry she has over the years made a renowned impact and obtained quite a growing following from fans. HeHope Temba aka Tha Duchess is a Media Personality whose love for radio started at a very tender age. While most kids would spend hours on end watching TV or playing outside, she spent a lot of time listening to her dad’s vast music collection.

There’s the State Lotteries Act, the Casino Act and the Betting Act, which focuses on betting operations. Our football tips are made by professionals, but this does not guarantee a profit for you. We ask you to bet responsibly and only on what you can afford.

Exciting promotions, tournaments, bonuses, and profitable offers are regularly held here. In addition, Melbet offers online sports betting, which allows bettors to earn money while watching their favorite competitions. It can be done on the official website of the bookmaker or in the mobile app from a smartphone. Then it is necessary to pass verification and deposit to a personal game account. After that, it is vital to carefully study the interface of the Melbet website, read the rules for players, and only then proceed. Finally, the first bets can be placed in a demo version to test the service without risking the player’s money.

When you type in the bet amount, finish with clicking on Place Bet. Although there’s a minimum deposit requirement, you are not limited regarding the smallest amount of money you can invest when placing a bet. Use this information to enter your account, but before getting an access to it, you will have to verify your registration. You will receive it as SMS message sent to the phone number you provide. When we made our registration in betPawa, the bookmaker gave us as a gift 5 K in a form of a free bet, but currently there’s no information for this bonus in the website.

betPawa registration

You need to keep on top of regulations to take advantage of any opportunity or rule adjustment that works in players’ favour. In addition, you need to use quality bet companies in Zambia that create fun but safe betting environments. We tell you about the top betting sites in Zambia, so you can enjoy low risk while maximising your outcomes. The size of the welcome bonus depends on the amount of deposit. The player makes a deposit to the account and receives the same amount on the bonus balance.

His laidback yet insightful and humorous approach to radio has seen him host flagship shows on two popular commercial radio stations in Lusaka and evolve through the ranks by acquiring skills in audio production and radio management. Karen was diagnosed with cervical cancer stage 1-2b in 2019 for which she was treated with chemotherapy, radiation and brachytherapy. She started a support group on face book, Teal Sisters, to raise awareness on cervical cancer and encourage women to go for screening being a survivor herself. This was the kick start to her media presence on Zambian radio.

The bookie is fully aware how hard it is for a person not to make a single mistake in all these 17 predictions, which is why the company offers compensatory prizes. They are offered for punters who have correctly predicted at least 13 of the events. The game is called emPawa17, while the number of the name is taken from the number of football events you should correctly predict in the market 1X2. If you succeed in guessing the winner in all of the matches you can win up to one million of kwacha. You can deposit money via the application directly via your mobile account made in any of the two mentioned mobile operators.

Our team of sports betting experts advises how to get and use each bonus available at MELbet Zambia. Click any link on this page to register for an account, make your first deposit, and bet to get your welcome bonus free bet. MELbet offers generous betting odds on all your favourite sports, including football, horse racing, cricket, boxing and UFC. M-Bet is a popular choice for placing sport bets in Zambia and in many other countries from East Africa. The company, which, by the way, works with a license provided by Gaming Board of Zambia, has been fully devoted to sport betting and provides one of the most modern platforms for gambling on the continent.

To make the whole procedure even easier for you, the gambling house has provided some more details about it on the website. What you should know now is that the minimum deposit requirement is K 20. During the week there’s one more game that is more of a warming up type and that has a smaller prize fund, as well as smaller number of events to predict (13). With a background in project management and implementation in various multilateral organizations (UN/ UNDP/ AMSHeR/ UMOTTO) across Africa. Serving as focal person for projects whose objectives are to raise awareness on the rights of the minority population. Wanzyanji’s super power is communication, helping individuals and organizations to carve out their voice in the civic space by using media arts and skills to tell compelling stories that change the negative narrative.

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Other than aiming to raise the bar in the local media industry, I have a love of health an fitness (I am an avid gym fanatic). I also enjoy sharing knowledge and participating in career talks at local schools. Similarly to the case in almost all the rest countries in Africa, sport betting is the top favourite form of gambling in Zambia. You have probably made some financial transactions through internet via your Airtel and MTN accounts.

The Betting Act regulates bookmakers’ actions but for online activities there aren’t rules in place yet. You just need to get a laptop or smartphone and perform Melbet login. If you do not have an account on the gambling site, you need to create it. During registration, it is important to specify valid data, so that you do not have problems with the withdrawal of winnings in the future.

When you want to enjoy the benefits of betting websites in Zambia, it’s easy to start with the fun you’re after. Despite the benefits which come with a wide array of choices, it can be pretty confusing if you’re a rookie bettor. The good news is that although a few, there are some games and they are nice options for diversifying your gambling experience. For instance, we are offered a video poker game with the standard Jacks or Better terms and conditions, roulette, the lucky fortune wheel and the famous game Fortune Miner, which if you have never met, is a type of a slot game. Many bookmakers in Zambia have the special game with predictions where a jackpot amount is progressively increasing.

The betting company follows a strict strategy to support a different website for each country and due to this strategy it has a specially tailored website version for Zambia, too. Although all of these websites are alike, this approach of work is the most suitable alternative to us, the customers. The betting operator’s web platform offers all the main bet types on sports such as pre-match, live and jackpot bets and alongside with them, we are also provided with a couple of casino games. Since Zambia’s betting and gambling guidelines don’t cover mobile betting, it allows much freedom for modern bookmakers and sports betting companies in Zambia to provide opportunities for players. The relaxed laws also make it easy for both onshore and offshore betting companies to create platforms that locals in Zambia bet on. International bookmaker Melbet has long held a top position in the betting and gambling industry.

He is also a master of ceremonies, voice-over artist and avid singer. The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) – Zambia Chapter awarded him the BEST RADIO NEWS ANCHOR in 2011 and BEST RADIO PRESENTER in 2017, and he also won the BEST VOICE-OVER ARTIST at the 2016 Zambia Radio Awards. Currently I am hosting the lunch time show Sweetheart Radio which airs Monday to Thursday from 12pm to 2pm. As a radio thoroughbred, Michelo couldn’t pass up the opportunity when Phoenix FM called his name. Born and raised in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia, Clyde Shifwati is among a crop of media practitioners mentored by the late great Errol Hickey, who was founder of first ever privately owned station in the country Radio Phoenix.

Login to the gaming site allows you to play not only for your money. The bookmaker regularly encourages players with bonus payments. As a Hardworking and committed Business Woman her skills include Broadcasting, Mc for events, Voice Over Artist, Creative Director in Video and Audio Production, Content and Concept Producer and Media consultant. My biggest achievement in sport is starting a Sports Consultancy which is aimed at helping Zambian sport improve. Hope currently hosts The Phoenix Breakfast Show with Chimweka on Phoenix FM which is a show that airs Monday to Fridayday between 6am and 9am .

The most interesting thing here, though, is that in M-Bet app you can even place bets without making a deposit and instead of such, the money you spend for betting is going to be added to your monthly MTN or Airtel bill. She is a hard working Career driven woman who is not only a Media Executive but also a Marketing and Advertising Consultant. Roxy’s work ethic has seen her transform from a Radio Presenter to an accomplished brand. What sets her apart from others is that she utilizes all media platforms to reach the target market in a personable, ethical and professional way. What makes my brand unique is my ability to capture audiences across both corporate and entertainment industries with an international sound that is just one of my varied professional advantages.

betPawa Zambia Review

betPawa Zambia Review


There’s the State Lotteries Act, the Casino Act and the Betting Act, which focuses on betting operations. Our football tips are made by professionals, but this does not https://1x-ar.icu/ guarantee a profit for you. We ask you to bet responsibly and only on what you can afford.

  • I also enjoy sharing knowledge and participating in career talks at local schools.
  • Despite the benefits which come with a wide array of choices, it can be pretty confusing if you’re a rookie bettor.
  • To make the whole procedure even easier for you, the gambling house has provided some more details about it on the website.
  • His voice can be heard on many adverts and documentaries, some of which have gone on to win prestigious awards over the years.

His laidback yet insightful and humorous approach to radio has seen him host flagship shows on two popular commercial radio stations in Lusaka and evolve through the ranks by acquiring skills in audio production and radio management. Karen was diagnosed with cervical cancer stage 1-2b in 2019 for which she was treated with chemotherapy, radiation and brachytherapy. She started a support group on face book, Teal Sisters, to raise awareness on cervical cancer and encourage women to go for screening being a survivor herself. This was the kick start to her media presence on Zambian radio.


Because the existing laws don’t cover all relevant topics yet, changes are necessary. Also, the country wishes to have one regulator and make the Zambian betting and gambling industry less fragmented. If the platform has multiple bonuses for existing players too, then you can benefit from them even when you’re an experienced player on the betting site. An excellent way to compare the best betting sites Zambia offers is to look at the bonuses they offer. Your welcome bonus from the bookmaker can increase your chances and your winnings.

Placing a bet in betPawa

Join the MELbet loyalty program today and receive loyalty points every time you bet on the website or app. The higher your stakes and the more bets you place, the more points you accumulate. The loyalty program covers all singles, multiples and system bets placed on sportsbook markets with a minimum stake of 11 ZMW. Register for a MELbet online betting account today and receive a free bet welcome bonus. The value of your free bet is determined by your first deposit and sports bet.

What you need to know about betting in Zambia

Our team of sports betting experts advises how to get and use each bonus available at MELbet Zambia. Click any link on this page to register for an account, make your first deposit, and bet to get your welcome bonus free bet. MELbet offers generous betting odds on all your favourite sports, including football, horse racing, cricket, boxing and UFC. M-Bet is a popular choice for placing sport bets in Zambia and in many other countries from East Africa. The company, which, by the way, works with a license provided by Gaming Board of Zambia, has been fully devoted to sport betting and provides one of the most modern platforms for gambling on the continent.

Exciting promotions, tournaments, bonuses, and profitable offers are regularly held here. In addition, Melbet offers online sports betting, which allows bettors to earn money while watching their favorite competitions. It can be done on the official website of the bookmaker or in the mobile app from a smartphone. Then it is necessary to pass verification and deposit to a personal game account. After that, it is vital to carefully study the interface of the Melbet website, read the rules for players, and only then proceed. Finally, the first bets can be placed in a demo version to test the service without risking the player’s money.

It is not clear whether the promotion is temporarily off, or you will never see it again. To correctly predict 17 matches is by all means, a hard task to do and you should not ride your luck for the biggest prize, but considering the fact that the ticket price for participation is only K 1, giving it a try is worth it. Ravish’n with her passion and knowledge in electronic media would like to utilize her platform for mentoring young hopefuls, to sell different brands and products as well as sensitize the public on pertinent societal issues. The name may sound fresh and unfamiliar in the Zambian media landscape, but Amina Kaunda is quickly raising the bar when it comes to local television presenting. She has been quietly working in the background; learning the ins and outs of the industry on the job. To protect the interests of players, the country has three main pieces of legislation in place.

Ok, while websites like 1xBet have thousands of games in their online casinos, here we see only 4 offers, it is not right not to appreciate betPawa’s good will to have some at least. The online casino room, after all, is always an amazing alternative to spend some time on the platform while waiting for a cool event to appear on the sport program. Most of the markets where the company has a solid presence are full of mobile bets and because of this reason betPawa has advanced as a real mobile bookie. All of the games and services are not just finely adapted to mobile devices, but they are even specially made for being used in a mobile mode, so there’s definitely no compromise when it comes to gambling via a smartphone or a tablet. If you might meet some problems, basically they could appear in case you browse the platform via a computer, but not via a mobile device. Currently at this stage betPawa can be used only via a web application.

The betting company follows a strict strategy to support a different website for each country and due to this strategy it has a specially tailored website version for Zambia, too. Although all of these websites are alike, this approach of work is the most suitable alternative to us, the customers. The betting operator’s web platform offers all the main bet types on sports such as pre-match, live and jackpot bets and alongside with them, we are also provided with a couple of casino games. Since Zambia’s betting and gambling guidelines don’t cover mobile betting, it allows much freedom for modern bookmakers and sports betting companies in Zambia to provide opportunities for players. The relaxed laws also make it easy for both onshore and offshore betting companies to create platforms that locals in Zambia bet on. International bookmaker Melbet has long held a top position in the betting and gambling industry.

The evolving regulations create many opportunities for bookmakers and you’ll have many to pick from. It’s important to pick quality vendors though because you need to protect yourself from betting companies who take advantage, don’t give pay-outs, or provide other examples of bad service. Most have Android apps, but bookmakers like Premier Bet don’t have an iPhone app.

For a long time, sport betting used to be available mainly in the physical shops as the % of the internet consumers in our country was quite low. Bettingregister is a website where we are going to present you the best websites in Zambia that offer sport betting and other types of gambling games. The main purpose in all of our articles, where we analyze the different functions in the bookmakers available in our country, is to help you select the top one among those websites regarding your individual needs and preferences. The larger the deposit amount, the greater the bonus payouts. In addition, players receive packages of free spins, tickets to participate in the lottery, etc.

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It caters to the most popular betting options in Zambia, including soccer, and provides a range of outcomes to bet on. But how do you make sure you keep enjoying sports betting or other betting Zambia offers over the long term Educate yourself with our handy guide and list of betting companies in Zambia. Melbet is a gaming site with a convenient, colorful, and intuitive interface.

Registration and deposit in Mbet app apk – download

If you’re looking for some live betting tips, bwin Zambia is the perfect place to start. Our team of experts have years of experience in the industry and knows precisely what it takes to make a successful bet. Betting is a popular activity in Zambia but the gambling industry is relatively new and currently evolving.

Refunds on accumulators are open to both new and existing MELbet members. You can bet as much as you want and on as many matches as you prefer. Just select one or more bets and with each next clicking on any of the betting selections you will see a new pop-upped window to open your betslip (it refers to the mobile version only). In this small window you will be shown the current information about your bet – the odd of the betslip and the number of the selections. He is current host of a dance music themed radio show called KNGDM Radio Show on Zambia’s largest radio station, Phoenix FM. Ravish’n has been in the radio and television space since 2005 and 2013 respectively.

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In other words, it’s not an alternative where you should download an app, but where you directly visit the page via your internet browser. If you are reading this material through a smartphone or a tablet, you do it through a mobile browser, which is compatible to be used for betting with real money in this betting house. Currently, we have at our disposal more than a whole dozen of online bookies that actively operate in Zambia.

When you want to enjoy the benefits of betting websites in Zambia, it’s easy to start with the fun you’re after. Despite the benefits which come with a wide array of choices, it can be pretty confusing if you’re a rookie bettor. The good news is that although a few, there are some games and they are nice options for diversifying your gambling experience. For instance, we are offered a video poker game with the standard Jacks or Better terms and conditions, roulette, the lucky fortune wheel and the famous game Fortune Miner, which if you have never met, is a type of a slot game. Many bookmakers in Zambia have the special game with predictions where a jackpot amount is progressively increasing.

You need to keep on top of regulations to take advantage of any opportunity or rule adjustment that works in players’ favour. In addition, you need to use quality bet companies in Zambia that create fun but safe betting environments. We tell you about the top betting sites in Zambia, so you can enjoy low risk while maximising your outcomes. The size of the welcome bonus depends on the amount of deposit. The player makes a deposit to the account and receives the same amount on the bonus balance.

This also involves managing media campaigns and distribution on traditional media. Energetic and engaging radio host with over 15 years of demonstrable experience in hosting and music selection. Over the years I have been able to entertain the public through captivating and positive shows and discussions with a good understanding of the station’s obligation, operations and listener preferences. The company’s bonus program includes several permanent bonuses and even more temporary ones. It is allowed to use it only once; repeated registration is a serious violation of the gaming platform rules. Place a sportsbook accumulator bet with odds of 1.7 or more and get your stake back in full if your bet loses by just one selection.

Zambia Sports Betting ‒ The Ultimate Guide

With vast knowledge in the industry she has over the years made a renowned impact and obtained quite a growing following from fans. HeHope Temba aka Tha Duchess is a Media Personality whose love for radio started at a very tender age. While most kids would spend hours on end watching TV or playing outside, she spent a lot of time listening to her dad’s vast music collection.

Paddy Mukando is a Master of Ceremonies (MC), Radio Presenter and Voice-Over Artist with over twenty years’ experience. His voice can be heard on many adverts and documentaries, some of which have gone on to win prestigious awards over the years. He is also the winner of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) 2017 Best Radio Presenter Award and 2011 Best Radio News Anchor, as well as Zambia Radio Awards 2016 Best Male Voice-Over Artist.

Once you’ve made your first bet, your free bet will be available to use. To get the 1,850 ZMW free bet, you should deposit 925 ZMW to your account. It has an international license, has been legally operating in the gambling and betting market for more than ten years, and cares about the safety and comfort of its users. It is constantly improving the functionality and tools of its program so that customers get the best for a pleasant recreation and good earnings on their favorite sports. The local Zambian platforms for betting as a whole offer lower odds than the odds provided in betPawa. We would determine the sport bets in this gambling website as quite profitable and some of the biggest football events even come with the so called pawaBoost option that makes your eventual wins quite great.

He also became one of the hosts of the station’s flagship show, ‘Let The People Talk’, making him the youngest to ever host it. Chimweka Chileshe, also known as MANIC (My Actual Name Is Chimweka), is a Media Personality who started out as a Kids Show TV presenter, but professionally resumed his career in media in 2015 at the National Broadcaster. You will be given a list of all the different markets available for that event. Choose the market you want to bet on and enter your stake in the box provided. Your bet will be confirmed and your account balance will be updated accordingly.

Aside being a lover of music, Hope is just as passionate about academia and holds a Diploma in Business Administration and a Diploma in Marketing. Clyde is a larger than life down to earth person with a great ear for good music, a staunch supporter of Arsenal Football Club, a husband and a father. The presenter has been instrumental in promoting Zambian music largely through being co-presenter for Phoenix FM’s flagship chart show known as ‘Local Rhythms Countdown’.

The most interesting thing here, though, is that in M-Bet app you can even place bets without making a deposit and instead of such, the money you spend for betting is going to be added to your monthly MTN or Airtel bill. She is a hard working Career driven woman who is not only a Media Executive but also a Marketing and Advertising Consultant. Roxy’s work ethic has seen her transform from a Radio Presenter to an accomplished brand. What sets her apart from others is that she utilizes all media platforms to reach the target market in a personable, ethical and professional way. What makes my brand unique is my ability to capture audiences across both corporate and entertainment industries with an international sound that is just one of my varied professional advantages.

This statement does not refer only to the betting house’s desktop version only, but for both of the mobile platforms, too. Technological advances in the country have also impacted Zambian betting. With the internet giving more Zambian locals access to online resources, offshore bookmakers also engage with Zambian players. So, many new betting sites in Zambia have become operational over the past few years, with locals enjoying football betting sites the most. Betway has been around since 2006 and its experience and professionalism are obvious. You can enjoy a quality, eye-catching website that offers lots of data to make informed decisions on your bets.

First of all, type in your mobile phone number and in the second field, select a password to login. Sébastien Dutch was born in Ndola, Zambia with music endeavours began at a young age, out of his pure love for music. To this date, his passion and skills have graced him the opportunity to share the stage with some of Africa’s biggest DJs. Amina holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Media from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, has been shortlisted for the 2022 BBC Komla Dumor Award in the United Kingdom, and is ready to take the local media industry by storm. This you can do either by visiting a bookmaker’s brick-and-mortar outlet or by going online and using the best betting site in Zambia.

The Betting Act regulates bookmakers’ actions but for online activities there aren’t rules in place yet. You just need to get a laptop or smartphone and perform Melbet login. If you do not have an account on the gambling site, you need to create it. During registration, it is important to specify valid data, so that you do not have problems with the withdrawal of winnings in the future.

betPawa deposit

This page offers all the important information on the MELbet promo code for Zambia. MELbet provides new customers with an attractive welcome bonus when they register for an account today. A list of regular promos is also open to both new and existing players, including free bets, profit boosts, and cashback. However, on the other side, one of the most traditional bonuses the punters relate this betting company with, is available. We are talking about the multi-bet bonus up to 100% which increases with the increase of the number of your matches added to the betslip.

Whether I am hosting a show, anchoring the news or scripting advertising content for clients; my aim is to create and deliver a sense of charismatic professionalism. I am a multi-faceted media and communications specialist with a growing presence both television and radio. I proudly made the shortlist for the 2022 BBC Komla Dumor Award. I currently anchor the news on Diamond TV and co-host the proudly Zambian talk show Tuvwange Lifestyle on Zambezi Magic. My previous experience comes from Spring TV, Power FM/TV, Rock FM and Millennium Radio.

You can keep track of all your bets in the ‘My Bets’ section of your account. However, none of these laws address the online betting that Zambian locals can partake in. This means that betting is technically allowed and operators can function without an official Zambian license. Another interesting bonus is given for every 100 bets placed during the month. Besides informing yourself the small window and the data in it is also important when placing a real bet. When you see the information and you are ok with your bet, there’s one field you should fill in to finish it – Your Stake.

The bookie is fully aware how hard it is for a person not to make a single mistake in all these 17 predictions, which is why the company offers compensatory prizes. They are offered for punters who have correctly predicted at least 13 of the events. The game is called emPawa17, while the number of the name is taken from the number of football events you should correctly predict in the market 1X2. If you succeed in guessing the winner in all of the matches you can win up to one million of kwacha. You can deposit money via the application directly via your mobile account made in any of the two mentioned mobile operators.

We find it in betPawa, too – to be more specific in the section Jackpot. This is a game that offers a big chance for a giant win, but at the expense of a small bet. However, note that you are supposed to correctly predict lots of matches here. He also does media consultancy for a variety of institutions and personal brands; specializing in social media PR, marketing and distribution.

Thanks to these conditions, international and local betting apps in Zambia take advantage of the situation. Therefore, you’ll find that betting companies such as 22Bet and MELbet have mobile applications their members can use. Similar options are available from 1xBet, Betway and Premier Bet. With over 60% of the Zambian population now using mobile phones, this is a popular method of placing bets. All betting operators accept new customers only after they fill in a registration form. The registration form in betPawa is available via 2-3 buttons – called Join Now and located at different places in the website – is as easy as a childish game.

Fondly known to his listeners as Clyde, the radio presenter has more than a decade of experience in broadcasting. Chimweka has also used his brand to influence/market companies such as Itel, Zara, Melbet, 1xBet among other established brands. He is also a Director of Ceremonies for various social and corporate events, with experience in hosting events of high profile nature and for entertainment purposes. He joined Phoenix FM in 2018 where his radio career officially commenced; hosting late night radio shows, evening radio shows and now host of The PhoenixFM breakfast show.

This includes legends such as James Brown, Isaac Hayes, The Beetles, Nina Simone, Eric Clapton, Aretha Franklin and many more. Having being exposed to so many genres of music, she would often take her father’s tapes to record her personal music favourites over the existing songs and this often got her into trouble. Nonetheless those moments were only the beginning of her love for music and radio.

The maximum amount of bonus payments is specified in the promotion rules. The welcome bonus can be used only when making combined bets on sports. If the turnover on the bonus balance exceeds the bonus amount 5 times, the rest will be transferred to the main account and is available for withdrawal. MELbet is known and respected throughout the gambling industry. They attract customers worldwide with bettors using their mobiles and desktop computers to place bets and access promotions. Plus, MELbet is ready to give bettors in Zambia the same service.

A Melbet online sports betting provides an opportunity to get stable winnings. And if the bookmaker offers many bonuses and generous offers to attract new users and retain regular players, it is simply impossible to refuse. Bwin Zambia offers a wide range of live betting options for its customers. There are over 30 sports to bet on, including football, basketball, tennis, cricket, and more. Simply select the ‘Live Betting’ tab at the top of the page, and you will be taken to a list of all the upcoming live events.

Other than aiming to raise the bar in the local media industry, I have a love of health an fitness (I am an avid gym fanatic). I also enjoy sharing knowledge and participating in career talks at local schools. Similarly to the case in almost all the rest countries in Africa, sport betting is the top favourite form of gambling in Zambia. You have probably made some financial transactions through internet via your Airtel and MTN accounts.

Login to the gaming site allows you to play not only for your money. The bookmaker regularly encourages players with bonus payments. As a Hardworking and committed Business Woman her skills include Broadcasting, Mc for events, Voice Over Artist, Creative Director in Video and Audio Production, Content and Concept Producer and Media consultant. My biggest achievement in sport is starting a Sports Consultancy which is aimed at helping Zambian sport improve. Hope currently hosts The Phoenix Breakfast Show with Chimweka on Phoenix FM which is a show that airs Monday to Fridayday between 6am and 9am .

To make the whole procedure even easier for you, the gambling house has provided some more details about it on the website. What you should know now is that the minimum deposit requirement is K 20. During the week there’s one more game that is more of a warming up type and that has a smaller prize fund, as well as smaller number of events to predict (13). With a background in project management and implementation in various multilateral organizations (UN/ UNDP/ AMSHeR/ UMOTTO) across Africa. Serving as focal person for projects whose objectives are to raise awareness on the rights of the minority population. Wanzyanji’s super power is communication, helping individuals and organizations to carve out their voice in the civic space by using media arts and skills to tell compelling stories that change the negative narrative.

Please familiarise yourself with the rules for better information. To place a bet in Melbet, it is necessary to select the sporting event and the odd, enter the amount to bet on the right side of the screen in the coupon and confirm it. Then, according to the result of the competition, it will become clear whether the bet has been won or whether it is necessary to try luck again. The games are far away from the graphics or the quality we are used to see in the modern studios’ portfolios among Europe, so please don’t raise your expectations too much. This bookie’s sport program still includes a limited number of category – currently, we see football, basketball, tennis, rugby, rugby league, cricket and volleyball. Paddy is presenter for The Gospel Show every Sunday morning, and news caster during the week.

When you type in the bet amount, finish with clicking on Place Bet. Although there’s a minimum deposit requirement, you are not limited regarding the smallest amount of money you can invest when placing a bet. Use this information to enter your account, but before getting an access to it, you will have to verify your registration. You will receive it as SMS message sent to the phone number you provide. When we made our registration in betPawa, the bookmaker gave us as a gift 5 K in a form of a free bet, but currently there’s no information for this bonus in the website.

He is also a master of ceremonies, voice-over artist and avid singer. The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) – Zambia Chapter awarded him the BEST RADIO NEWS ANCHOR in 2011 and BEST RADIO PRESENTER in 2017, and he also won the BEST VOICE-OVER ARTIST at the 2016 Zambia Radio Awards. Currently I am hosting the lunch time show Sweetheart Radio which airs Monday to Thursday from 12pm to 2pm. As a radio thoroughbred, Michelo couldn’t pass up the opportunity when Phoenix FM called his name. Born and raised in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia, Clyde Shifwati is among a crop of media practitioners mentored by the late great Errol Hickey, who was founder of first ever privately owned station in the country Radio Phoenix.

bwin Live Sports Betting Placing a Bet and Betting Tips

bwin Live Sports Betting Placing a Bet and Betting Tips


This also involves managing media campaigns and distribution on traditional media. Energetic and engaging radio host with over 15 years of demonstrable experience in hosting and music selection. Over the years I have been able to entertain the public through captivating and positive shows and discussions with a good understanding of the station’s obligation, operations and listener preferences. The company’s bonus program includes several permanent bonuses and even more temporary ones. It is allowed to use it only once; repeated registration is a serious violation of the gaming platform rules. Place a sportsbook accumulator bet with odds of 1.7 or more and get your stake back in full if your bet loses by just one selection.

  • To correctly predict 17 matches is by all means, a hard task to do and you should not ride your luck for the biggest prize, but considering the fact that the ticket price for participation is only K 1, giving it a try is worth it.
  • But how do you make sure you keep enjoying sports betting or other betting Zambia offers over the long term Educate yourself with our handy guide and list of betting companies in Zambia.
  • The Betting Act regulates bookmakers’ actions but for online activities there aren’t rules in place yet.
  • You can keep track of all your bets in the ‘My Bets’ section of your account.
  • I proudly made the shortlist for the 2022 BBC Komla Dumor Award.

Please familiarise yourself with the rules for better information. To place a bet in Melbet, it is necessary to select the sporting event and the odd, enter the amount to bet on the right side of the screen in the coupon and confirm it. Then, according to the result of the competition, it will become clear whether the bet has been won or whether it is necessary to try luck again. The games are far away from the graphics or the quality we are used to see in the modern studios’ portfolios among Europe, so please don’t raise your expectations too much. This bookie’s sport program still includes a limited number of category – currently, we see football, basketball, tennis, rugby, rugby league, cricket and volleyball. Paddy is presenter for The Gospel Show every Sunday morning, and news caster during the week.

There’s the State Lotteries Act, the Casino Act and the Betting Act, which focuses on betting operations. Our football tips are made by professionals, but this does not guarantee a profit for you. We ask you to bet responsibly and only on what you can afford.

Mobile betting in Zambia

With vast knowledge in the industry she has over the years made a renowned impact and obtained quite a growing following from fans. HeHope Temba aka Tha Duchess is a Media Personality whose love for radio started at a very tender age. While most kids would spend hours on end watching TV or playing outside, she spent a lot of time listening to her dad’s vast music collection.

Thanks to these conditions, international and local betting apps in Zambia take advantage of the situation. Therefore, you’ll find that betting companies such as 22Bet and MELbet have mobile applications their members can use. Similar options are available from 1xBet, Betway and Premier Bet. With over 60% of the Zambian population now using mobile phones, this is a popular method of placing bets. All betting operators accept new customers only after they fill in a registration form. The registration form in betPawa is available via 2-3 buttons – called Join Now and located at different places in the website – is as easy as a childish game.

He also became one of the hosts of the station’s flagship show, ‘Let The People Talk’, making him the youngest to ever host it. Chimweka Chileshe, also known as MANIC (My Actual Name Is Chimweka), is a Media Personality who started out as a Kids Show TV presenter, but professionally resumed his career in media in 2015 at the National Broadcaster. You will be given a list of all the different markets available for that event. Choose the market you want to bet on and enter your stake in the box provided. Your bet will be confirmed and your account balance will be updated accordingly.

You can keep track of all your bets in the ‘My Bets’ section of your account. However, none of these laws address the online betting that Zambian locals can partake in. This means that betting is technically allowed and operators can function without an official Zambian license. Another interesting bonus is given for every 100 bets placed during the month. Besides informing yourself the small window and the data in it is also important when placing a real bet. When you see the information and you are ok with your bet, there’s one field you should fill in to finish it – Your Stake.

Once you’ve made your first bet, your free bet will be available to use. To get the 1,850 ZMW free bet, you should deposit 925 ZMW to your account. It has an international license, has been legally operating in the gambling and betting market for more than ten years, and cares about the safety and comfort of its users. It is constantly improving the functionality and tools of its program so that customers get the best for a pleasant recreation and good earnings on their favorite sports. The local Zambian platforms for betting as a whole offer lower odds than the odds provided in betPawa. We would determine the sport bets in this gambling website as quite profitable and some of the biggest football events even come with the so called pawaBoost option that makes your eventual wins quite great.

In other words, it’s not an alternative where you should download an app, but where you directly visit the page via your internet browser. If you are reading this material through a smartphone or a tablet, you do it through a mobile browser, which is compatible to be used for betting with real money in this betting house. Currently, we have at our disposal more than a whole dozen of online bookies that actively operate in Zambia.

This includes legends such as James Brown, Isaac Hayes, The Beetles, Nina Simone, Eric Clapton, Aretha Franklin and many more. Having being exposed to so many genres of music, she would often take her father’s tapes to record her personal music favourites over the existing songs and this often got her into trouble. Nonetheless those moments were only the beginning of her love for music and radio.

Radio Phoenix Sports Editor

It is not clear whether the promotion is temporarily off, or you will never see it again. To correctly predict 17 matches is by all means, a hard task to do and you should not ride your luck for the biggest prize, but considering the fact that the ticket price for participation is only K 1, giving it a try is worth it. Ravish’n with her passion and knowledge in electronic media would like to utilize her platform for mentoring young hopefuls, to sell different brands and products as well as sensitize the public on pertinent societal issues. The name may sound fresh and unfamiliar in the Zambian media landscape, but Amina Kaunda is quickly raising the bar when it comes to local television presenting. She has been quietly working in the background; learning the ins and outs of the industry on the job. To protect the interests of players, the country has three main pieces of legislation in place.

When you type in the bet amount, finish with clicking on Place Bet. Although there’s a minimum deposit requirement, you are not limited regarding the smallest amount of money you can invest when placing a bet. Use this information to enter your account, but before getting an access to it, you will have to verify your registration. You will receive it as SMS message sent to the phone number you provide. When we made our registration in betPawa, the bookmaker gave us as a gift 5 K in a form of a free bet, but currently there’s no information for this bonus in the website.

For a long time, sport betting used to be available mainly in the physical shops as the % of the internet consumers in our country was quite low. Bettingregister is a website where we are going to present you the best websites in Zambia that offer sport betting and other types of gambling games. The main purpose in all of our articles, where we analyze the different functions in the bookmakers available in our country, is to help you select the top one among those websites regarding your individual needs and preferences. The larger the deposit amount, the greater the bonus payouts. In addition, players receive packages of free spins, tickets to participate in the lottery, etc.

Aside being a lover of music, Hope is just as passionate about academia and holds a Diploma in Business Administration and a Diploma in Marketing. Clyde is a larger than life down to earth person with a great ear for good music, a staunch supporter of Arsenal Football Club, a husband and a father. The presenter has been instrumental in promoting Zambian music largely through being co-presenter for Phoenix FM’s flagship chart show known as ‘Local Rhythms Countdown’.

First of all, type in your mobile phone number and in the second field, select a password to login. Sébastien Dutch was born in Ndola, Zambia with music endeavours began at a young age, out of his pure love for music. To this date, his passion and skills have graced him the opportunity to share the stage with some of Africa’s biggest DJs. Amina holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Media from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, has been shortlisted for the 2022 BBC Komla Dumor Award in the United Kingdom, and is ready to take the local media industry by storm. This you can do either by visiting a bookmaker’s brick-and-mortar outlet or by going online and using the best betting site in Zambia.

If you’re looking for some live betting tips, bwin Zambia is the perfect place to start. Our team of experts have years of experience in the industry and knows precisely what it takes to make a successful bet. Betting is a popular activity in Zambia but the gambling industry is relatively new and currently evolving.

The Betting Act regulates bookmakers’ actions but for online activities there aren’t rules in place yet. You just need to get a laptop or smartphone and perform Melbet login. If you do not have an account on the gambling site, you need to create it. During registration, it is important to specify valid data, so that you do not have problems with the withdrawal of winnings in the future.

Fondly known to his listeners as Clyde, the radio presenter has more than a decade of experience in broadcasting. Chimweka has also used his brand to influence/market companies such as Itel, Zara, Melbet, 1xBet among other established brands. He is also a Director of Ceremonies for various social and corporate events, with experience in hosting events of high profile nature and for entertainment purposes. He joined Phoenix FM in 2018 where his radio career officially commenced; hosting late night radio shows, evening radio shows and now host of The PhoenixFM breakfast show.

The maximum amount of bonus payments is specified in the promotion rules. The welcome bonus can be used only when making combined bets on sports. If the turnover on the bonus balance exceeds the bonus amount 5 times, the rest will be transferred to the main account and is available for withdrawal. MELbet is known and respected throughout the gambling industry. They attract customers worldwide with bettors using their mobiles and desktop computers to place bets and access promotions. Plus, MELbet is ready to give bettors in Zambia the same service.

To make the whole procedure even easier for you, the gambling house has provided some more details about it on the website. What you should know now is that the minimum deposit requirement is K 20. During the week there’s one more game that is more of a warming up type and that has a smaller prize fund, as well as smaller number of events to predict (13). With a background in project management and implementation in various multilateral organizations (UN/ UNDP/ AMSHeR/ UMOTTO) across Africa. Serving as focal person for projects whose objectives are to raise awareness on the rights of the minority population. Wanzyanji’s super power is communication, helping individuals and organizations to carve out their voice in the civic space by using media arts and skills to tell compelling stories that change the negative narrative.

The bookie is fully aware how hard it is for a person not to make a single mistake in all these 17 predictions, which is why the company offers compensatory prizes. They are offered for punters who have correctly predicted at least 13 of the events. The game is called emPawa17, while the number of the name is taken from the number of football events you should correctly predict in the market 1X2. If you succeed in guessing the winner in all of the matches you can win up to one million of kwacha. You can deposit money via the application directly via your mobile account made in any of the two mentioned mobile operators.

Exciting promotions, tournaments, bonuses, and profitable offers are regularly held here. In addition, Melbet offers online sports betting, which allows bettors to earn money while watching their favorite competitions. It can be done on the official website of the bookmaker or in the mobile app from a smartphone. Then it is necessary to pass verification and deposit to a personal game account. After that, it is vital to carefully study the interface of the Melbet website, read the rules for players, and only then proceed. Finally, the first bets can be placed in a demo version to test the service without risking the player’s money.

He is also a master of ceremonies, voice-over artist and avid singer. The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) – Zambia Chapter awarded him the BEST RADIO NEWS ANCHOR in 2011 and BEST RADIO PRESENTER in 2017, and he also won the BEST VOICE-OVER ARTIST at the 2016 Zambia Radio Awards. Currently I am hosting the lunch time show Sweetheart Radio which airs Monday to Thursday from 12pm to 2pm. As a radio thoroughbred, Michelo couldn’t pass up the opportunity when Phoenix FM called his name. Born and raised in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia, Clyde Shifwati is among a crop of media practitioners mentored by the late great Errol Hickey, who was founder of first ever privately owned station in the country Radio Phoenix.

Ok, while websites https://1x-ar.icu/ like 1xBet have thousands of games in their online casinos, here we see only 4 offers, it is not right not to appreciate betPawa’s good will to have some at least. The online casino room, after all, is always an amazing alternative to spend some time on the platform while waiting for a cool event to appear on the sport program. Most of the markets where the company has a solid presence are full of mobile bets and because of this reason betPawa has advanced as a real mobile bookie. All of the games and services are not just finely adapted to mobile devices, but they are even specially made for being used in a mobile mode, so there’s definitely no compromise when it comes to gambling via a smartphone or a tablet. If you might meet some problems, basically they could appear in case you browse the platform via a computer, but not via a mobile device. Currently at this stage betPawa can be used only via a web application.

Login to the gaming site allows you to play not only for your money. The bookmaker regularly encourages players with bonus payments. As a Hardworking and committed Business Woman her skills include Broadcasting, Mc for events, Voice Over Artist, Creative Director in Video and Audio Production, Content and Concept Producer and Media consultant. My biggest achievement in sport is starting a Sports Consultancy which is aimed at helping Zambian sport improve. Hope currently hosts The Phoenix Breakfast Show with Chimweka on Phoenix FM which is a show that airs Monday to Fridayday between 6am and 9am .

We find it in betPawa, too – to be more specific in the section Jackpot. This is a game that offers a big chance for a giant win, but at the expense of a small bet. However, note that you are supposed to correctly predict lots of matches here. He also does media consultancy for a variety of institutions and personal brands; specializing in social media PR, marketing and distribution.

The most interesting thing here, though, is that in M-Bet app you can even place bets without making a deposit and instead of such, the money you spend for betting is going to be added to your monthly MTN or Airtel bill. She is a hard working Career driven woman who is not only a Media Executive but also a Marketing and Advertising Consultant. Roxy’s work ethic has seen her transform from a Radio Presenter to an accomplished brand. What sets her apart from others is that she utilizes all media platforms to reach the target market in a personable, ethical and professional way. What makes my brand unique is my ability to capture audiences across both corporate and entertainment industries with an international sound that is just one of my varied professional advantages.

Join the MELbet loyalty program today and receive loyalty points every time you bet on the website or app. The higher your stakes and the more bets you place, the more points you accumulate. The loyalty program covers all singles, multiples and system bets placed on sportsbook markets with a minimum stake of 11 ZMW. Register for a MELbet online betting account today and receive a free bet welcome bonus. The value of your free bet is determined by your first deposit and sports bet.

Types of gambling games in betPawa

Whether I am hosting a show, anchoring the news or scripting advertising content for clients; my aim is to create and deliver a sense of charismatic professionalism. I am a multi-faceted media and communications specialist with a growing presence both television and radio. I proudly made the shortlist for the 2022 BBC Komla Dumor Award. I currently anchor the news on Diamond TV and co-host the proudly Zambian talk show Tuvwange Lifestyle on Zambezi Magic. My previous experience comes from Spring TV, Power FM/TV, Rock FM and Millennium Radio.

Our team of sports betting experts advises how to get and use each bonus available at MELbet Zambia. Click any link on this page to register for an account, make your first deposit, and bet to get your welcome bonus free bet. MELbet offers generous betting odds on all your favourite sports, including football, horse racing, cricket, boxing and UFC. M-Bet is a popular choice for placing sport bets in Zambia and in many other countries from East Africa. The company, which, by the way, works with a license provided by Gaming Board of Zambia, has been fully devoted to sport betting and provides one of the most modern platforms for gambling on the continent.

Paddy Mukando is a Master of Ceremonies (MC), Radio Presenter and Voice-Over Artist with over twenty years’ experience. His voice can be heard on many adverts and documentaries, some of which have gone on to win prestigious awards over the years. He is also the winner of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) 2017 Best Radio Presenter Award and 2011 Best Radio News Anchor, as well as Zambia Radio Awards 2016 Best Male Voice-Over Artist.

When you want to enjoy the benefits of betting websites in Zambia, it’s easy to start with the fun you’re after. Despite the benefits which come with a wide array of choices, it can be pretty confusing if you’re a rookie bettor. The good news is that although a few, there are some games and they are nice options for diversifying your gambling experience. For instance, we are offered a video poker game with the standard Jacks or Better terms and conditions, roulette, the lucky fortune wheel and the famous game Fortune Miner, which if you have never met, is a type of a slot game. Many bookmakers in Zambia have the special game with predictions where a jackpot amount is progressively increasing.

Refunds on accumulators are open to both new and existing MELbet members. You can bet as much as you want and on as many matches as you prefer. Just select one or more bets and with each next clicking on any of the betting selections you will see a new pop-upped window to open your betslip (it refers to the mobile version only). In this small window you will be shown the current information about your bet – the odd of the betslip and the number of the selections. He is current host of a dance music themed radio show called KNGDM Radio Show on Zambia’s largest radio station, Phoenix FM. Ravish’n has been in the radio and television space since 2005 and 2013 respectively.

Because the existing laws don’t cover all relevant topics yet, changes are necessary. Also, the country wishes to have one regulator and make the Zambian betting and gambling industry less fragmented. If the platform has multiple bonuses for existing players too, then you can benefit from them even when you’re an experienced player on the betting site. An excellent way to compare the best betting sites Zambia offers is to look at the bonuses they offer. Your welcome bonus from the bookmaker can increase your chances and your winnings.

You need to keep on top of regulations to take advantage of any opportunity or rule adjustment that works in players’ favour. In addition, you need to use quality bet companies in Zambia that create fun but safe betting environments. We tell you about the top betting sites in Zambia, so you can enjoy low risk while maximising your outcomes. The size of the welcome bonus depends on the amount of deposit. The player makes a deposit to the account and receives the same amount on the bonus balance.

Other than aiming to raise the bar in the local media industry, I have a love of health an fitness (I am an avid gym fanatic). I also enjoy sharing knowledge and participating in career talks at local schools. Similarly to the case in almost all the rest countries in Africa, sport betting is the top favourite form of gambling in Zambia. You have probably made some financial transactions through internet via your Airtel and MTN accounts.

The evolving regulations create many opportunities for bookmakers and you’ll have many to pick from. It’s important to pick quality vendors though because you need to protect yourself from betting companies who take advantage, don’t give pay-outs, or provide other examples of bad service. Most have Android apps, but bookmakers like Premier Bet don’t have an iPhone app.

His laidback yet insightful and humorous approach to radio has seen him host flagship shows on two popular commercial radio stations in Lusaka and evolve through the ranks by acquiring skills in audio production and radio management. Karen was diagnosed with cervical cancer stage 1-2b in 2019 for which she was treated with chemotherapy, radiation and brachytherapy. She started a support group on face book, Teal Sisters, to raise awareness on cervical cancer and encourage women to go for screening being a survivor herself. This was the kick start to her media presence on Zambian radio.

It caters to the most popular betting options in Zambia, including soccer, and provides a range of outcomes to bet on. But how do you make sure you keep enjoying sports betting or other betting Zambia offers over the long term Educate yourself with our handy guide and list of betting companies in Zambia. Melbet is a gaming site with a convenient, colorful, and intuitive interface.

This page offers all the important information on the MELbet promo code for Zambia. MELbet provides new customers with an attractive welcome bonus when they register for an account today. A list of regular promos is also open to both new and existing players, including free bets, profit boosts, and cashback. However, on the other side, one of the most traditional bonuses the punters relate this betting company with, is available. We are talking about the multi-bet bonus up to 100% which increases with the increase of the number of your matches added to the betslip.

A Melbet online sports betting provides an opportunity to get stable winnings. And if the bookmaker offers many bonuses and generous offers to attract new users and retain regular players, it is simply impossible to refuse. Bwin Zambia offers a wide range of live betting options for its customers. There are over 30 sports to bet on, including football, basketball, tennis, cricket, and more. Simply select the ‘Live Betting’ tab at the top of the page, and you will be taken to a list of all the upcoming live events.

The betting company follows a strict strategy to support a different website for each country and due to this strategy it has a specially tailored website version for Zambia, too. Although all of these websites are alike, this approach of work is the most suitable alternative to us, the customers. The betting operator’s web platform offers all the main bet types on sports such as pre-match, live and jackpot bets and alongside with them, we are also provided with a couple of casino games. Since Zambia’s betting and gambling guidelines don’t cover mobile betting, it allows much freedom for modern bookmakers and sports betting companies in Zambia to provide opportunities for players. The relaxed laws also make it easy for both onshore and offshore betting companies to create platforms that locals in Zambia bet on. International bookmaker Melbet has long held a top position in the betting and gambling industry.

This statement does not refer only to the betting house’s desktop version only, but for both of the mobile platforms, too. Technological advances in the country have also impacted Zambian betting. With the internet giving more Zambian locals access to online resources, offshore bookmakers also engage with Zambian players. So, many new betting sites in Zambia have become operational over the past few years, with locals enjoying football betting sites the most. Betway has been around since 2006 and its experience and professionalism are obvious. You can enjoy a quality, eye-catching website that offers lots of data to make informed decisions on your bets.

Why Melbet online sports betting should be chosen for long-term cooperation

Why Melbet online sports betting should be chosen for long-term cooperation


The Betting Act regulates bookmakers’ actions but for online activities there aren’t rules in place yet. You just need to get a laptop or smartphone and perform Melbet login. If you do not have an account on the gambling site, you need to create it. During registration, it is important to specify valid data, so that you do not have problems with the withdrawal of winnings in the future.

Because the existing laws don’t cover all relevant topics yet, changes are necessary. Also, the country wishes to have one regulator and make the Zambian betting and gambling industry less fragmented. If the platform has multiple bonuses for existing players too, then you can benefit from them even when you’re an experienced player on the betting site. An excellent way to compare the best betting sites Zambia offers is to look at the bonuses they offer. Your welcome bonus from the bookmaker can increase your chances and your winnings.

There’s the State Lotteries Act, the Casino Act and the Betting Act, which focuses on betting operations. Our football tips are made by professionals, but this does not guarantee a profit for you. We ask you to bet responsibly and only on what you can afford.

It is not clear whether the promotion is temporarily off, or you will never see it again. To correctly predict 17 matches is by all means, a hard task to do and you should not ride your luck for the biggest prize, but considering the fact that the ticket price for participation is only K 1, giving it a try is worth it. Ravish’n with her passion and knowledge in electronic media would like to utilize her platform for mentoring young hopefuls, to sell different brands and products as well as sensitize the public on pertinent societal issues. The name may sound fresh and unfamiliar in the Zambian media landscape, but Amina Kaunda is quickly raising the bar when it comes to local television presenting. She has been quietly working in the background; learning the ins and outs of the industry on the job. To protect the interests of players, the country has three main pieces of legislation in place.

  • Just select one or more bets and with each next clicking on any of the betting selections you will see a new pop-upped window to open your betslip (it refers to the mobile version only).
  • This was the kick start to her media presence on Zambian radio.
  • With the internet giving more Zambian locals access to online resources, offshore bookmakers also engage with Zambian players.
  • Although there’s a minimum deposit requirement, you are not limited regarding the smallest amount of money you can invest when placing a bet.
  • The game is called emPawa17, while the number of the name is taken from the number of football events you should correctly predict in the market 1X2.

This page offers all the important information on the MELbet promo code for Zambia. MELbet provides new customers with an attractive welcome bonus when they register for an account today. A list of regular promos is also open to both new and existing players, including free bets, profit boosts, and cashback. However, on the other side, one of the most traditional bonuses the punters relate this betting company with, is available. We are talking about the multi-bet bonus up to 100% which increases with the increase of the number of your matches added to the betslip.

With vast knowledge in the industry she has over the years made a renowned impact and obtained quite a growing following from fans. HeHope Temba aka Tha Duchess is a Media Personality whose love for radio started at a very tender age. While most kids would spend hours on end watching TV or playing outside, she spent a lot of time listening to her dad’s vast music collection.

You can keep track of all your bets in the ‘My Bets’ section of your account. However, none of these laws address the online betting that Zambian locals can partake in. This means that betting is technically allowed and operators can function without an official Zambian license. Another interesting bonus is given for every 100 bets placed during the month. Besides informing yourself the small window and the data in it is also important when placing a real bet. When you see the information and you are ok with your bet, there’s one field you should fill in to finish it – Your Stake.

I am Michie Zambia’s Sweetheart

You need to keep on top of regulations to take advantage of any opportunity or rule adjustment that works in players’ favour. In addition, you need to use quality bet companies in Zambia that create fun but safe betting environments. We tell you about the top betting sites in Zambia, so you can enjoy low risk while maximising your outcomes. The size of the welcome bonus depends on the amount of deposit. The player makes a deposit to the account and receives the same amount on the bonus balance.

Paddy Mukando is a Master of Ceremonies (MC), Radio Presenter and Voice-Over Artist with over twenty years’ experience. His voice can be heard on many adverts and documentaries, some of which have gone on to win prestigious awards over the years. He is also the winner of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) 2017 Best Radio Presenter Award and 2011 Best Radio News Anchor, as well as Zambia Radio Awards 2016 Best Male Voice-Over Artist.

For a long time, sport betting used to be available mainly in the physical shops as the % of the internet consumers in our country was quite low. Bettingregister is a website where we are going to present you the best websites in Zambia that offer sport betting and other types of gambling games. The main purpose in all of our articles, where we analyze the different functions in the bookmakers available in our country, is to help you select the top one among those websites regarding your individual needs and preferences. The larger the deposit amount, the greater the bonus payouts. In addition, players receive packages of free spins, tickets to participate in the lottery, etc.

Top 5 legal bookmakers

Aside being a lover of music, Hope is just as passionate about academia and holds a Diploma in Business Administration and a Diploma in Marketing. Clyde is a larger than life down to earth person with a great ear for good music, a staunch supporter of Arsenal Football Club, a husband and a father. The presenter has been instrumental in promoting Zambian music largely through being co-presenter for Phoenix FM’s flagship chart show known as ‘Local Rhythms Countdown’.

Please familiarise yourself with the rules for better information. To place a bet in Melbet, it is necessary to select the sporting event and the odd, enter the amount to bet on the right side of the screen in the coupon and confirm it. Then, according to the result of the competition, it will become clear whether the bet has been won or whether it is necessary to try luck again. The games are far away from the graphics or the quality we are used to see in the modern studios’ portfolios among Europe, so please don’t raise your expectations too much. This bookie’s sport program still includes a limited number of category – currently, we see football, basketball, tennis, rugby, rugby league, cricket and volleyball. Paddy is presenter for The Gospel Show every Sunday morning, and news caster during the week.

If you’re looking for some live betting tips, bwin Zambia is the perfect place to start. Our team of experts have years of experience in the industry and knows precisely what it takes to make a successful bet. Betting is a popular activity in Zambia but the gambling industry is relatively new and currently evolving.

Whether I am hosting a show, anchoring the news or scripting advertising content for clients; my aim is to create and deliver a sense of charismatic professionalism. I am a multi-faceted media and communications specialist with a growing presence both television and radio. I proudly made the shortlist for the 2022 BBC Komla Dumor Award. I currently anchor the news on Diamond TV and co-host the proudly Zambian talk show Tuvwange Lifestyle on Zambezi Magic. My previous experience comes from Spring TV, Power FM/TV, Rock FM and Millennium Radio.

The maximum amount of bonus payments is specified in the promotion rules. The welcome bonus can be used only when making combined bets on sports. If the turnover on the bonus balance exceeds the bonus amount 5 times, the rest will be transferred to the main account and is available for withdrawal. MELbet is known and respected throughout the gambling industry. They attract customers worldwide with bettors using their mobiles and desktop computers to place bets and access promotions. Plus, MELbet is ready to give bettors in Zambia the same service.

The bookie is fully aware how hard it is for a person not to make a single mistake in all these 17 predictions, which is why the company offers compensatory prizes. They are offered for punters who have correctly predicted at least 13 of the events. The game is called emPawa17, while the number of the name is taken from the number of football events you should correctly predict in the market 1X2. If you succeed in guessing the winner in all of the matches you can win up to one million of kwacha. You can deposit money via the application directly via your mobile account made in any of the two mentioned mobile operators.

We find it in betPawa, too – to be more specific in the section Jackpot. This is a game that offers a big chance for a giant win, but at the expense of a small bet. However, note that you are supposed to correctly predict lots of matches here. He also does media consultancy for a variety of institutions and personal brands; specializing in social media PR, marketing and distribution.

Join the MELbet loyalty program today and receive loyalty points every time you bet on the website or app. The higher your stakes and the more bets you place, the more points you accumulate. The loyalty program covers all singles, multiples and system bets placed on sportsbook markets with a minimum stake of 11 ZMW. Register for a MELbet online betting account today and receive a free bet welcome bonus. The value of your free bet is determined by your first deposit and sports bet.

Refunds on accumulators are open to both new and existing MELbet members. You can bet as much as you want and on as many matches as you prefer. Just select one or more bets and with each next clicking on any of the betting selections you will see a new pop-upped window to open your betslip (it refers to the mobile version only). In this small window you will be shown the current information about your bet – the odd of the betslip and the number of the selections. He is current host of a dance music themed radio show called KNGDM Radio Show on Zambia’s largest radio station, Phoenix FM. Ravish’n has been in the radio and television space since 2005 and 2013 respectively.

A Melbet online sports betting provides an opportunity to get stable winnings. And if the bookmaker offers many bonuses and generous offers to attract new users and retain regular players, it is simply impossible to refuse. Bwin Zambia offers a wide range of live betting options for its customers. There are over 30 sports to bet on, including football, basketball, tennis, cricket, and more. Simply select the ‘Live Betting’ tab at the top of the page, and you will be taken to a list of all the upcoming live events.

betPawa App download and mobile versions

First of all, type in your mobile phone number and in the second field, select a password to login. Sébastien Dutch was born in Ndola, Zambia with music endeavours began at a young age, out of his pure love for music. To this date, his passion and skills have graced him the opportunity to share the stage with some of Africa’s biggest DJs. Amina holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Media from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, has been shortlisted for the 2022 BBC Komla Dumor Award in the United Kingdom, and is ready to take the local media industry by storm. This you can do either by visiting a bookmaker’s brick-and-mortar outlet or by going online and using the best betting site in Zambia.

The betting company follows a strict strategy to support a different website for each country and due to this strategy it has a specially tailored website version for Zambia, too. Although all of these websites are alike, this approach of work is the most suitable alternative to us, the customers. The betting operator’s web platform offers all the main bet types on sports such as pre-match, live and jackpot bets and alongside with them, we are also provided with a couple of casino games. Since Zambia’s betting and gambling guidelines don’t cover mobile betting, it allows much freedom for modern bookmakers and sports betting companies in Zambia to provide opportunities for players. The relaxed laws also make it easy for both onshore and offshore betting companies to create platforms that locals in Zambia bet on. International bookmaker Melbet has long held a top position in the betting and gambling industry.

Loyalty Program

Other than aiming to raise the bar in the local media industry, I have a love of health an fitness (I am an avid gym fanatic). I also enjoy sharing knowledge and participating in career talks at local schools. Similarly to the case in almost all the rest countries in Africa, sport betting is the top favourite form of gambling in Zambia. You have probably made some financial transactions through internet via your Airtel and MTN accounts.

Our team of sports betting experts advises how to get and use each bonus available at MELbet Zambia. Click any link on this page to register for an account, make your first deposit, and bet to get your welcome bonus free bet. MELbet offers generous betting odds on all your favourite sports, including football, horse racing, cricket, boxing and UFC. M-Bet is a popular choice for placing sport bets in Zambia and in many other countries from East Africa. The company, which, by the way, works with a license provided by Gaming Board of Zambia, has been fully devoted to sport betting and provides one of the most modern platforms for gambling on the continent.

Gal Sport Betting

Once you’ve made your first bet, your free bet will be available to use. To get the 1,850 ZMW free bet, you should deposit 925 ZMW to your account. It has an international license, has been legally operating in the gambling and betting market for more than ten years, and cares about the safety and comfort of its users. It is constantly improving the functionality and tools of its program so that customers get the best for a pleasant recreation and good earnings on their favorite sports. The local Zambian platforms for betting as a whole offer lower odds than the odds provided in betPawa. We would determine the sport bets in this gambling website as quite profitable and some of the biggest football events even come with the so called pawaBoost option that makes your eventual wins quite great.

Thanks to these conditions, international and local betting apps in Zambia take advantage of the situation. Therefore, you’ll find that betting companies such as 22Bet and MELbet have mobile applications their members can use. Similar options are available from 1xBet, Betway and Premier Bet. With over 60% of the Zambian population now using mobile phones, this is a popular method of placing bets. All betting operators accept new customers only after they fill in a registration form. The registration form in betPawa is available via 2-3 buttons – called Join Now and located at different places in the website – is as easy as a childish game.

This also involves managing media campaigns and distribution on traditional media. Energetic and engaging radio host with over 15 years of demonstrable experience in hosting and music selection. Over the years I have been able to entertain the public through captivating and positive shows and discussions with a good understanding of the station’s obligation, operations and listener preferences. The company’s bonus program includes several permanent bonuses and even more temporary ones. It is allowed to use it only once; repeated registration is a serious violation of the gaming platform rules. Place a sportsbook accumulator bet with odds of 1.7 or more and get your stake back in full if your bet loses by just one selection.

It caters to the most popular betting options in Zambia, including soccer, and provides a range of outcomes to bet on. But how do you make sure you keep enjoying sports betting or other betting Zambia offers over the long term Educate yourself with our handy guide and list of betting companies in Zambia. Melbet is a gaming site with a convenient, colorful, and intuitive interface.

Best betting sites in Zambia

He is also a master of ceremonies, voice-over artist and avid singer. The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) – Zambia Chapter awarded him the BEST RADIO NEWS ANCHOR in 2011 and BEST RADIO PRESENTER in 2017, and he also won the BEST VOICE-OVER ARTIST at the 2016 Zambia Radio Awards. Currently I am hosting the lunch time show Sweetheart Radio which airs Monday to Thursday from 12pm to 2pm. As a radio thoroughbred, Michelo couldn’t pass up the opportunity when Phoenix FM called his name. Born and raised in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia, Clyde Shifwati is among a crop of media practitioners mentored by the late great Errol Hickey, who was founder of first ever privately owned station in the country Radio Phoenix.

This includes legends such as James Brown, Isaac Hayes, The Beetles, Nina Simone, Eric Clapton, Aretha Franklin and many more. Having being exposed to so many genres of music, she would often take her father’s tapes to record her personal music favourites over the existing songs and this often got her into trouble. Nonetheless those moments were only the beginning of her love for music and radio.

betPawa registration

The evolving regulations create many opportunities for bookmakers and you’ll have many to pick from. It’s important to pick quality vendors though because you need to protect yourself from betting companies who take advantage, don’t give pay-outs, or provide other examples of bad service. Most have Android apps, but bookmakers like Premier Bet don’t have an iPhone app.

When you type in the bet amount, finish with clicking on Place Bet. Although there’s a minimum deposit requirement, you are not limited regarding the smallest amount of money you can invest when placing a bet. Use this information to enter your account, but before getting an access to it, you will have to verify your registration. You will receive it as SMS message sent to the phone number you provide. When we made our registration in betPawa, the bookmaker gave us as a gift 5 K in a form of a free bet, but currently there’s no information for this bonus in the website.

Exciting promotions, tournaments, bonuses, and profitable offers are regularly held here. In addition, Melbet offers online sports betting, which allows bettors to earn money while watching their favorite competitions. It can be done on the official website of the bookmaker or in the mobile app from https://1x-ar.icu/ a smartphone. Then it is necessary to pass verification and deposit to a personal game account. After that, it is vital to carefully study the interface of the Melbet website, read the rules for players, and only then proceed. Finally, the first bets can be placed in a demo version to test the service without risking the player’s money.

When you want to enjoy the benefits of betting websites in Zambia, it’s easy to start with the fun you’re after. Despite the benefits which come with a wide array of choices, it can be pretty confusing if you’re a rookie bettor. The good news is that although a few, there are some games and they are nice options for diversifying your gambling experience. For instance, we are offered a video poker game with the standard Jacks or Better terms and conditions, roulette, the lucky fortune wheel and the famous game Fortune Miner, which if you have never met, is a type of a slot game. Many bookmakers in Zambia have the special game with predictions where a jackpot amount is progressively increasing.

Fondly known to his listeners as Clyde, the radio presenter has more than a decade of experience in broadcasting. Chimweka has also used his brand to influence/market companies such as Itel, Zara, Melbet, 1xBet among other established brands. He is also a Director of Ceremonies for various social and corporate events, with experience in hosting events of high profile nature and for entertainment purposes. He joined Phoenix FM in 2018 where his radio career officially commenced; hosting late night radio shows, evening radio shows and now host of The PhoenixFM breakfast show.

Why Melbet online sports betting should be chosen for long-term cooperation

This statement does not refer only to the betting house’s desktop version only, but for both of the mobile platforms, too. Technological advances in the country have also impacted Zambian betting. With the internet giving more Zambian locals access to online resources, offshore bookmakers also engage with Zambian players. So, many new betting sites in Zambia have become operational over the past few years, with locals enjoying football betting sites the most. Betway has been around since 2006 and its experience and professionalism are obvious. You can enjoy a quality, eye-catching website that offers lots of data to make informed decisions on your bets.

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His laidback yet insightful and humorous approach to radio has seen him host flagship shows on two popular commercial radio stations in Lusaka and evolve through the ranks by acquiring skills in audio production and radio management. Karen was diagnosed with cervical cancer stage 1-2b in 2019 for which she was treated with chemotherapy, radiation and brachytherapy. She started a support group on face book, Teal Sisters, to raise awareness on cervical cancer and encourage women to go for screening being a survivor herself. This was the kick start to her media presence on Zambian radio.

He also became one of the hosts of the station’s flagship show, ‘Let The People Talk’, making him the youngest to ever host it. Chimweka Chileshe, also known as MANIC (My Actual Name Is Chimweka), is a Media Personality who started out as a Kids Show TV presenter, but professionally resumed his career in media in 2015 at the National Broadcaster. You will be given a list of all the different markets available for that event. Choose the market you want to bet on and enter your stake in the box provided. Your bet will be confirmed and your account balance will be updated accordingly.

In other words, it’s not an alternative where you should download an app, but where you directly visit the page via your internet browser. If you are reading this material through a smartphone or a tablet, you do it through a mobile browser, which is compatible to be used for betting with real money in this betting house. Currently, we have at our disposal more than a whole dozen of online bookies that actively operate in Zambia.

To make the whole procedure even easier for you, the gambling house has provided some more details about it on the website. What you should know now is that the minimum deposit requirement is K 20. During the week there’s one more game that is more of a warming up type and that has a smaller prize fund, as well as smaller number of events to predict (13). With a background in project management and implementation in various multilateral organizations (UN/ UNDP/ AMSHeR/ UMOTTO) across Africa. Serving as focal person for projects whose objectives are to raise awareness on the rights of the minority population. Wanzyanji’s super power is communication, helping individuals and organizations to carve out their voice in the civic space by using media arts and skills to tell compelling stories that change the negative narrative.

The most interesting thing here, though, is that in M-Bet app you can even place bets without making a deposit and instead of such, the money you spend for betting is going to be added to your monthly MTN or Airtel bill. She is a hard working Career driven woman who is not only a Media Executive but also a Marketing and Advertising Consultant. Roxy’s work ethic has seen her transform from a Radio Presenter to an accomplished brand. What sets her apart from others is that she utilizes all media platforms to reach the target market in a personable, ethical and professional way. What makes my brand unique is my ability to capture audiences across both corporate and entertainment industries with an international sound that is just one of my varied professional advantages.

Ok, while websites like 1xBet have thousands of games in their online casinos, here we see only 4 offers, it is not right not to appreciate betPawa’s good will to have some at least. The online casino room, after all, is always an amazing alternative to spend some time on the platform while waiting for a cool event to appear on the sport program. Most of the markets where the company has a solid presence are full of mobile bets and because of this reason betPawa has advanced as a real mobile bookie. All of the games and services are not just finely adapted to mobile devices, but they are even specially made for being used in a mobile mode, so there’s definitely no compromise when it comes to gambling via a smartphone or a tablet. If you might meet some problems, basically they could appear in case you browse the platform via a computer, but not via a mobile device. Currently at this stage betPawa can be used only via a web application.

Login to the gaming site allows you to play not only for your money. The bookmaker regularly encourages players with bonus payments. As a Hardworking and committed Business Woman her skills include Broadcasting, Mc for events, Voice Over Artist, Creative Director in Video and Audio Production, Content and Concept Producer and Media consultant. My biggest achievement in sport is starting a Sports Consultancy which is aimed at helping Zambian sport improve. Hope currently hosts The Phoenix Breakfast Show with Chimweka on Phoenix FM which is a show that airs Monday to Fridayday between 6am and 9am .